Sometimes I wonder, is a story worth telling at all?
Then I think of the person who hears it and feels a little less alone. Even if I’m the only one to hear it, that story is worth telling.
Embrace Your Story!
Life is Like Beef Stew
Like stew ingredients, our experiences are good on their own. But when you consider your days and weeks, you begin to see patterns. It takes awareness to see the transformations that happen in us every season.
We choose how we react
We can’t control so many things. The only thing we can control is ourselves. When emotions are high, it’s easy to react in negative ways. These actions may feel good in the moment, but they do not serve us in the long run.
Camel Pose: Allowing Vulnerability
Vulnerability can be scary, but also freeing. Camel pose (Ustrasana) is a heart opener that allows us to be vulnerable. It also helps us reach an approachableness to ourselves. It is freeing.
Flexibility Takes Effort
Over the years, I gained great flexibility. It did not magically happen simply because I walked into a yoga studio. It took a lot of effort.
Balancing Wholeness
Wholeness is about becoming aware of these different aspects of your Self. Understanding how they interact with each other and affect you in your day to day life will unlock ways to harness your energy.
Find the Right Tools to Help You Improve
Physical health is a long journey, especially if you’ve had any sort of surgery, injury or illness. Even on an uphill hike, there is lots to celebrate as you move forward.
I believe getting the right setup is a victory in itself!
Take Care of Your Body
We need our bodies to be healthy to feel whole. When our body is sore, tired or strained, we feel it in all areas of our lives. It’s harder to think and takes more energy to manage emotions when our physical body struggles.
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