We Choose How We Breathe

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Unexpected things happen everyday. We wish the world and each day would run smoothly, but we can’t control others or unforeseen events. 

Stress increases the signals to our nervous system. As this influx of stimuli come in, our body reacts. Our blood pressure and heart rate increases. Our senses get overloaded. Our mind spirals out of control.

Our breath is our way to regulate the nervous system.

We can’t control many things, but we can control how we breathe. Take a moment to acknowledge your breath, then take these steps to slow it down. 

Exhale all of your breath in one big whoosh. Take a deep breath in that fills your stomach. Hold it there for a moment. Let it out slowly through your mouth like you are blowing out a candle.

Repeat this a couple of times and you will notice your body begin to calm. As your nervous system relaxes, it frees your mind to make wise choices. This allows you to adapt and respond.

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We Choose How We Take Action


We Choose How We Adapt