We Choose How We Adapt

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Change is hard. There is no gentle way to put it. We don’t often control what changes, especially in the world or community around us. 

However, we can choose our attitude around change. Instead of feeling helpless as our world shifts around us, remember you have the ability to adapt.

Adapting means making small adjustments. We don't have to make big changes all at once. Instead, consider what one action to take that will ease some stress.

A first step can be taking a moment for yourself to simply breathe. Use your senses to awaken your body and calm your mind. 

Try sitting down with a cup of tea or coffee. Leave your phone on silent. Let go of the to-do list in your head. Let your kids be rowdy for a moment with no judgement. 

Focus only on your warm beverage. Listen to the sound of the liquid pouring into the cup. Notice the color of the liquid. Smell the chosen flavor. Feel the warmth of it on your hands. And finally, taste the sweet goodness. In this moment, be glad that you are alive.

Allow yourself to enjoy this moment of simple pleasure.

When life throws more lemons at us than lemonade we could possibly drink, consider how you can adapt. Make a small change, even if it is only one moment of peace.

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We Choose How We Breathe


We choose how we react