New Moon in Capricorn Tarot Reading

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I’m trying out my new Modern Witch Tarot Deck to do a general energy reading to parallel the new moon in Capricorn. I used a three card spread representing mind/body/spirit. 

Two of Pentacles

Life is busy and challenging right now. We are stuck in our houses with the world (and our country) in a state of unrest. However, this condition has become a sort of dance. Through adaptation and flexibility you can handle it gracefully. Know you have the power to get resourceful and obtain advantage. Perhaps it’s time to learn a new skill or hone in on a project. You are doing great, keep going!

Adaptation and flexibility has allowed you to dance gracefully through challenges. You have great strength of mind, keep it up!

Eight of Pentacles

Now is the time to get to it and put in the hard work. It’s not easy. You will have to invest great time and energy. What it will be is worth it. Absolutely without a doubt worth it to accomplish your goal. This may be a long-term project of career or passion that is manifesting. It is time to go all in. It will open up the door for more opportunities down the road. 

With the new year comes new projects and space for personal growth. Whatever you commit to, know it will take effort and hard work, but it will be absolutely worth it. 

Two of Cups

Find joy in companionship. It may be an ongoing partnership or a new collaboration, but whoever that person is next to you, let them fill your cup. Lean into this person to calm your inner emotional turmoil and find harmony in their easy communication. Let this relationship balance you and heighten your well-being. 

You are not alone! Reach out to the person in your life that fills your cup. Find joy in companionship and let this person lift your spirits. 

Here’s to flexibility, hard work and companionship! 

So may it be.

Peace and Love Amanda Green.png

Four Weeks Post-Op Update


New Moon in Capricorn