Full Moon in Leo

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Your energy is flowing. It’s time to focus on yourself and what you can create. Take some time to get in touch with your intuition. Believe in yourself and your power. Look inside for what your heart truly desires, accept this and begin to manifest it.

Full moon energy encourages manifestation. This month’s focus is on creative inspiration. 

Creativity is an expression of yourself. It’s a medium that interests you or an idea that you want to explore. 

This manifestation of creativity can take so many different forms including art, drawing, crafting, writing, building, graphic design and even cooking. The way you express yourself is just as unique as you. 

What do you want to create? You can start with an abstract idea or have a very detailed plan. It can be whimsical and playful or more serious. There is no wrong answer. 

The real question is...What’s stopping you from creating?

Is it time? Is it doubt? Is it fear of what people will think? 

Whatever that is for you, look at it right in the face. Is that excuse stopping you or are you getting in your own way?

For me, when I really dug deep, it was always the latter. I felt like what I did was never good enough, so I hesitated to share.

That story is a lie. I am good enough. What I create is worth sharing right now and I am always learning and growing. The same is true for you.

Beginning this month, tell yourself a new story. In this story, you are worthy of your creativity. Your expression is worth the time and effort to decide and develop your idea. 

Your power is in your choice. When you choose to believe in yourself, you can make magic happen. 

What do you want to create? Make it because it lights you up inside, not because of what anyone else says about it. Believe you can and that you are worthy of it; then your manifestation can truly begin.

May the full moon energy inspire you to create something great and express your authentic self.

Peace and Love Amanda Green.png

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