Embracing Yourself Journal Questions

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Do you look in the mirror and see someone you love?

Do you see things that you want to change?

You have the ability to change.

Embracing yourself means looking deep inside yourself to discover who you are and what you want.

When you are comfortable and excited about the person looking back at you from the mirror, you meet your authentic self. They are with you always, but sometimes need a little help to uncover.

These journal questions will begin to guide you to discover the person you’ve always wanted to be and how to get there. I share a little of my own journey along the way.

1. What about yourself gives you the most strife? What do you look in the mirror and wish you could change? Is it a physical attribute or a personality trait?

I would look in the mirror and see someone scared looking back at me. I didn’t want to look into my own eyes because the fear would pool in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t good enough. I didn’t want to upset anyone, so I rarely proposed suggestions. I always felt behind and lacking.

2. Challenge what you are judging about yourself. Is the source of your animosity societal persuasion? Have you been ridiculed about this aspect of yourself? Are you holding onto limiting beliefs?

“I’m not enough” was a limiting belief I held for a long time. It took me years to realize that scared person in the mirror was anxious. I always thought something was wrong with me. In reality, anxiety is a debilitating condition. Once I could define my anxiety for what it was, I learned there was something I could do about it. 

3. Imagine your life a year from now. How would you feel if you could change how you feel about your reflection, even a little bit? How would you feel if you looked in the mirror and smiled, proud of the person looking back?

I had a hard time imagining what living without anxiety would look like. I was so used to carrying the weight of doubt and fear in my head and body. I wanted to not be so afraid. That is all I could convey at first, a desire to change.

4. What one small step can you do to head in the direction of uncovering your authentic self? True change takes time, but you must begin. Brainstorm ways you can act to make a difference in your life, in your body and in your mind.

I didn’t know what to do about my anxiety, so I asked for help. I learned about mindfulness and the power of choice. I learned how to control my breathing and used visual meditations to induce calm and build confidence. I began to try. Even when I failed, I kept going. The secret is to not give up.

If you need help brainstorming, reach out to me and we can work together. 

Your authentic self is who you feel comfortable with looking back from the mirror. If you don’t see that person yet, it’s okay! They are there, under the surface, you simply have to search and allow them to reveal themselves

There is great power in choice. True change comes with action. 

Are you willing to create change? Are you willing to embrace your authentic self?

Peace and Love Amanda Green.png

Hi, I’m Anda

