To Feel Uncomfortable

It is okay to feel uncomfortable. It is necessary to let that feeling come into your awareness. We feel guilty to take a step back or ask questions, but that is exactly what we must do.

This poem came to be after having a conversation with an acquaintance that started good and began to feel uncomfortable. I didn't understand what was being asked of me. I began to panic a little inside. Then I felt not heard.

In that moment I realized that I was not being heard by myself. I need to understand what I am feeling in that moment so that I can communicate what I didn't understand in the conversation.

I felt like an awkward duck because I basically backed out of the conversation so I could let it sit and then come back to understand what made me feel that way.

I still have to do that work, but in the meantime this poem came to be.

It is okay to feel uncomfortable. It is our right to voice that so that we can be authentic in our communication. It is respectful to acknowledge discomfort so it can be addressed before moving forward.

The photo I chose is one I took when the blizzard hit. The roads were covered and it was uncomfortable to not know what direction I was going. I had to be more aware of my surroundings and track my progress with different methods. This experience helped me to be more flexible in my awareness and take the time to understand before moving forward.

Slow down to go quicker. This is one lesson I am learning this extended winter in central California.

Yes I can. Yes you can. Yes we can. I'm sending you love and vibrant energy. Through understanding we can feel comfortable even when we are uncomfortable.

Makes me want to do half-pigeon pose!


Phoenix Themes- Hope Rises from the Ashes


It’s okay to ask.