2021 Theme: Completion

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I have a tradition at the beginning of a new year to choose a word that represents a theme I strive for during the year. This practice helps keep me focused on how I want to grow and direct my choices to cultivate this particular strength.

My theme for 2021 is “completion.”

I’ve noticed myself bounce around from one thing to another without finishing any of them. This divides my attention and makes me feel unproductive. It’s like having a browser open with twenty tabs slowing down my processor.

I am determined to change this habit in 2021. I will begin focusing on one thing at a time so I can maximize my energy use.

I am discovering this process of choosing one thing to be very difficult. I want to do so many things! I have an abundance of ideas that all feel important. I ultimately see this as a blessing, but my dedication to one thing means I must decide.

Have I ever shared with you that one of my greatest struggles is indecision?

After sitting down and meditating over my choices, I feel called to share my meditation practices. Leading up to my surgery and continuing through my healing, meditation has been my way to keep balance and stability.

I am called to study and share what keeps me moving forward in a confident way. I hope you find inspiration from my practice as you find your own way to navigate your world.

I send you so much love. May you discover a passion for life and manifest your heart's desire this year.

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P.S. The featured graphic was created by Danielle Atkisson, founder of Silver Lining Life Way.


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